Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Furniture, Good Recipes and FLYing!

Michael and I headed out to IKEA this past Saturday to find some things to furnish his "Man Room". We had great luck! We got a leather sofa, a chair and footstool, a set of nesting tables and a pair of lamps. Oh, we got a rug too! We decided to embrace the 1970's of the basement room for now and played it up with orange and green in the chair and other accents. I think it came our really cool. It has a hip retro-ness to it. Michael is a bit nervous that I like it too much and that he might lose his man room. LOL. He has deemed that my services as decorator are now complete and he will take it from here. I expect that there will be some Guinness posters and maybe one of those neon beer signs hanging down there in the near future. I think that will be really cool but I'm not saying anything since this is "his" room. =)

Sunday I went up to my parents house to see Dad and have a little birthday cake with them. It was a nice visit. Among other things, we were talking about the "K" family weekend down the Cape this summer and all the fun activities we can do. Michael and I, my parents and my brother and SIL and their 3 kids will be going. It should be a nice time and a nice way to end my "staycation" since I'll be off the week leading up to the family weekend.

I made the Garlic Chicken Farfalle I mentioned in my previous post. I did a half recipe of it though I made the full amount of chicken. It is soo good, but I found it a bit heavy on a hot June evening. We used the left over chicken for sandwiches. That Mesquite Lime marinade is awesome. I cooked the chicken in the crockpot Saturday and then we had the pasta dish for dinner on Sunday. If I was up earlier on Saturday and not rolling out of bed at the crack of noon, the chicken would have been ready at a more dinner like hour and we could have had the whole meal that night. Oh, well. Everyone needs one of those mornings once and a while. The end result was that we have a lovely Sunday dinner and yummy left overs for lunch on Monday. =)

Tonight's dinner will be Italian Pork Chops in the crockpot. I put them in this morning. It couldn't be easier. Place 2-4 pork chops in the crock, pour in about a bottle of Italian dressing (depending on how many chops) and cook on high 6-8 hours. I put mine on low for 10-12 since I'm at work all day. We'll have baked beans with pineapple with the chops.

I must say that I am doing well with my FLYing these past couple of weeks. I made myself a new control journal over the weekend to adapt my routines to the new house and my schedule with work and Michael's. I got my Home Blessing finished on Monday evening when I got home. Last night was a free night so I just picked up here and there to eliminate any brewing hot spots. I forgot to put the trash out last night though so I'm kinda peeved with myself. I don't think Michael would have caught it in time this morning because I think the trash man was early this morning as I saw him heading in the direction of our street on my way to the train and Michael was still sleeping. As least we have an extra empty barrel still so we should be OK until next week. Today is paperwork day so I'll be paying our bills and doing some filing. We're also in Zone 4 - the master bedroom this week. Today's mission is to dust the tops of the windows and door jambs. That sounds like something I can handle in a jiffy. =) I love easy missions!

That's all for now. I hope you all have a great rest of your Wednesday!

Friday, June 20, 2008

The weekend is almost here...

happy friday

Hello all,

Yesterday was the rolling rally for the Celtics and it did in fact go by my office, despite the fact it didn't follow it's usual path. I got some good pictures, including some of Paul Pierce with the MVP trophy since his duck boat stopped for a good few minutes right in front of my building. I was right up front at the barricades since no one thought they were coming up as far as they did so I was able to get a prime spot before the crush of fans came up the street.

Well, it's finally Friday. This has been a weird week. I've been so messed up on the days so needless to say I was quite happy to realize it was Friday this morning. We don't have too many plans this weekend. We have some stuff to do around the house but nothing too crazy. I was hoping to get it done tomorrow, but tomorrow is supposed to be the better weather day so I don't know what we'll do when. All I know is that it will get done before bedtime Sunday.

I don't know if I mentioned that we got a croquet set and a bocce set last weekend. I set up the croquet set and Michael and I had fun trying to race around the course. He hadn't played before so I was able to kick his butt. ;) LOL, I love you baby! I hope we can try the bocce this weekend. We've got the perfect place in mind to set it up and I think we can have that area double as a horseshoe pit. Gotta love that. It's so nice to have a yard!

I made some cabbage rolls in the crockpot last weekend and the result was awesome! You can find the recipe here. We've never had cabbage rolls before, but the we liked all of the ingredients so I thought I'd give it a whirl. They came out yummy, but I didn't get the leftovers packed up before bed so I had to pitch them. =( Well at least I know that they are good and I will definitely make them again. I was going to serve them with some instant mashed potatoes but we ran out of milk so I didn't bother. Next time though - they'd be tasty with the juice/gravy in the crock.

I can't wait to try this recipe this weekend: Garlic Chicken Farfalle. I have most of the ingredients on hand so I'll just need to pick up a couple of things. It seems like it will make a mound of it so I think I might half the recipe this time around to make sure we like it. It will still be plenty for us.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Our boys did it!!! OMG! I'm so pumped! Sweet 17 on the 17th for the Celtics!

I know I've been a terrible blogger this past week. These playoff games were killing me. Late start means late end means a sleepy Ali in the morning, LOL. Well the sleep deprivation has been worth it. 22 years in the making and the Celtics finally have another banner to hoist up the the rafters of the Garden.

The mayor announced that there will be a rolling rally tomorrow. He'll be releasing the details at 11:30 this morning. I really hope it follows it's usual path and passes by my office. That would be awesome! Isn't it nice that I can say usual path? How lucky I am to be a Boston sports fan these past few years!

That's all for now. I'll be back to post my usual ramblings later on. TTYS!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just need to gripe here for a second... In the past 45 minutes my work email has received 192 (and counting) undeliverable messages. Some f*&%er is sending spam from my account and now I'm getting these messages because of the firewalls on the recipient's end. GRRRR! My IT guy says there's nothing they can really do. I just set up a rule to have these alerts go into a folder, but it's still super annoying.

Angry Angry

OK, end of rant.

Talk to you later! =)

Toasty Tuesday

Hello all,

It is broiling yet again today. The weather folks are predicting 96 degrees today with a heat index of 104! Thankfully, this heat is supposed to break tomorrow. That is awesome since I will be working from home tomorrow since the security system is being installed. I must say, however, that our house has stayed relatively cool. We did get the AC in our bedroom hooked up but otherwise we've been running the ceiling fans in the dining room and kitchen and an oscillating fan in the living room. The big oak tree in the front yard is doing a great job in shading the front of the house. Last night was the first night we had to retreat into the bedroom for relief well before going to sleep.

Believe it or not, I made some soup on Sunday. I know you must think I'm crazy given the heat wave, but I made it in the crockpot and didn't have to stand over a stove and stir anything. It came our really good. It was a Taco Soup that I found on the blog I mentioned in my previous post, by the way I fixed that link. Anyway, you can find the recipe here. It came out really well. I also made up a little instant rice on the stove top and put that in the soup dishes with it and topped it with shredded Mexican cheese. Yummy!

I was pouring over my cookbooks and recipes last night to get some ideas for dinner. We've been in the burger and hot dog rut a lot lately or ordering out. Given that we are trying to eat better and save money, neither of these options are very good in the amount that we've been doing them. I think I'm going to do some of the chicken dump recipes that I have for marinades that a FF member posted a while back. Since Michael will be working the second shift again for a while, I thought I'd be better able to get a healthy dinner on the table. I love to cook so this will be a great thing to keep me busy until he gets home. I'll be doing my shopping tonight and can hopefully put together a bunch of freezer meals tonight and tomorrow while I'm home. That big freezer in the basement is calling my name. =)

If anyone has any ideas to get us out of the ho-hum dinner rut, I'd greatly appreciate the suggestions.

On a final note, I'd like to wish the Celtics a good game tonight. We'll be watching! Beat LA!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Friday - almost the weekend!

Hello all,

It's still grey and rainy here today. It's just as well since I am stuck at work. As I mentioned, this weekend is supposed to be boiling and mostly sunny so it should be good and I promise to take pics of the garden.

Well, last night we were total lazy bums. No ACs installed and no grocery shopping. I'm mad at myself for not getting the shopping done since I missed out on my week on "The List". Hurumph....oh, well, I can get cracking on it this weekend again and get my behind to the store.

I found this cool blog about crockpotting: A Year of Crockpotting. The woman who writes it made a New Year's Resolution to cook something in her crockpot everyday this year. There are some yummy sounding recipes and she's a hoot. I highly recommend checking it out. Hopefully, between "The List", using my crockpot for more meals and keeping up with my FLYing, I'll be able to save us some money and some time. I think all of the things combined will lead to a neater, healthier and happier home for us. Not that we aren't happy by any means, but I know I'd be little happier to come home to a straightened up house and a home cooked meal that takes little effort to prepare.

Our dear Red Sox won last night, but WTH happened?? We were playing the TB Devil Rays and there was a bench clearing brawl after Coco Crisp was hit by a pitch in the second inning. Then Manny and Youk were having words in the dugout. Dude, you're teammates, relax. Anyway, they did win, but tempers were running high on all fronts.

On a better note, our beloved Celtics have started off the NBA finals with a win against the Lakers! Woo, hoo! It's like the Garden in the 80's and awesome. I can't wait for Sunday! My brother is planning a get together so we'll go over there to watch the game. I'm so excited!

Well, that's all. It's lunch time and I'm off to get something to eat.

Have a great weekend! Go Celts!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Happy Thursday!

Hello all,

Sorry I've been slacking this week. Time just got away from me and I realized I haven't posted at all this week. Let me catch up.

The weekend was nice. Michael had to work Saturday but finished up around 1pm. I met up with him and his coworker, T, when they got out and we had a few pops. It was a fun time.

Sunday was all about gardening. We got up early and headed to HD to pick up a couple of things then went over to Pollilio's to get the flowers for our new bed in the back yard. The folks there were soo helpful! We were reading the little stakes in the flower pots religiously to make sure we picked the right kind of flowers for our super sunny flower bed. We picked some blue nemorosa salvia, red sizzler salvia and yellow marigolds. Then it was off to buy the dirt for the bed. It always seems funny to me to have to buy dirt. Isn't our yard full of it anyway, LOL? OK, back to the point. We were standing with an obviously puzzled look on our face trying to decipher the different options we had for top soil. Right when we thought we had it figured out, one of the nursery workers came over. Thank Goodness! We were going to pick the wrong thing. He steered up to the correct kind of soil and then recommended that we ditch our plans for a weed screen/mat thing and just mulch over the bed once we had everything planted. He told us that the mulch would do the trick for helping to keep the weeds down as well as hold moisture so we wouldn't have to water as often. I know some of you gardeners are like "Of course that's what you do, silly," but as I think I have mentioned before I have a total black thumb and while Michael is great with the grass, his flower skills are still a mystery. All and all, it worked out. We didn't need to buy as much soil as we thought, we got to return the weed screen, and now we have a pretty flower bed. We did, however, buy a few too many sizzlers and marigolds so we added another small bed along the side of the shed and also planted some around that odd post in the backyard. It's been kinda wet and gray this week so I haven't taken any pictures of our masterpieces yet, but this weekend it's supposed to be wicked hot and sunny so I know we'll be out there and I'll take some pics then.

Speaking of the wicked heat that's coming, we've got to get our ACs in! I say we, but this is all Michael. Though I consider myself pretty strong, there is no way I'd be able to wrangle those babies in! We use window ACs since usually it's really only hot in July and August here so we don't need central AC, though that would be lovely. We have 2 ACs from our apartment, but I think we may need to get a more powerful one to put in the dining room so it will also cool the living room since we don't have a window that can hold an AC in the living room. I'm sure the whole world will be out on Saturday buying them, so maybe we could go tomorrow to get one.

We met with a "life safety specialist" last night. The title makes me chuckle, he's actually a security system salesman. Anyway, he was really nice and we went through our needs and designed a system for the house. It's nothing crazy, but will definitely put my mind at ease. They're coming on Wednesday to install it. I just hope we don't set it off my accident, but I'm sure we'll get the hang of it and have no problems.

So I forgot to reset my pedometer from last week so I just added my goal for this week to last week (30k +50k) and see that I've got to get my feet moving if I'm going to meet my goal of 50k steps this week.

One last thing, I had heard of The Grocery Game a while back and checked it out but wasn't sure if it was for me. Well, when I saw that K signed up for it recently, I thought I'd give it a shot. (I gave you your credit, K, so hopefully you get some free weeks!) I think it makes more sense now that we're in a house, we get the Sunday paper and we have some extra cabinet space. I've clipped my coupons and made my list to go along with "The List" and am hitting Stop and Shop tonight. I'll let you know how I make out. Hopefully it will save a few bucks.

I guess that's all for now. Sorry for the book, but I wanted to get you all caught up on our fascinating adventures, LOL.

Have a great day everybody!