Friday, December 2, 2011

The Season Has Begun!

Hello all!

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Ours was nice. The family came to our house and we ate, watched football, ate, watched some more football, ate, played XBox...well you get the picture. It was a relaxing day and I had a great time hanging out. I remembered to have an empty dishwasher so clean up was a breeze with the help of my awesome SIL, S.

Now that it's December, I am ready for Christmas! I've already started our decorating around the house and will be putting our tree and the last of the outside lights up this weekend.

We have two Christmas, ummm, I mean Holiday, parties tonight. One for my work and one for M's. It will be a bit nutty trying to get to both, but I know it will be a super fun night!

I'd love to hear what you're up to! Have you started your decorating yet??


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

Hi peeps!

I wanted to get on here again and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a fabulous day with your family and friends.

M and I are hosting again this year. I love Turkey Day and it is such a nice way to kick off the holiday season. There is no pressure, just time with family, football and a feast! I'll be in charge of the munchies, sides and a dessert. Mum is bringing the turkey and gravy since I have a wierd phobia about cooking a turkey. (It's totally unfounded since I am quite capable of roasting a chicken so I don't know what my problem is, it's not like it's that different, LOL.) My SIL, S, is bringing her yummy green bean casserole and some pies. It's all going to be delicious! Yum!

Now that my niece and nephews are older, we are embracing the kids table. :) My dining room table isn't quite big enough for all of us and the last time we hosted, I put a card table in the corner for the kiddies. That was kind of a bust since the room isn't that big. We all felt kind of cramped. This year, the kids will have the kitchen table all to themselves, complete with a kiddie centerpiece, and won't be squished into a corner at a dinky table.

Things are pretty well ready for the big day. The menu is set. I have all of the groceries. The serving pieces are all pulled out and my table cloth is pressed. I'm going to set the table tonight. Tomorrow I'm going to make the pecan pie bars, cranberry sauce and prep the veggies that I can for my recipes. Then on Thursday morning I'll do the blitz to get things cooked/prepped, cleaned up and put away before our guests come. I can't wait!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, August 1, 2011

This Week's Dinner Plans and Golf

Hello out there!

I don't even know if anyone still checks this blog out. I just haven't had much to write about recently.

I thought I'd start back easy with this week's meal plan for our dinners. Here goes:

Tonight: Mexican Cornbread Casserole and a garden salad
Tuesday: Garlic Lime Chicken with a Guacamole Salad and Spicy Black Beans
Wednesday: Fish Stick Tacos and a fruit salad
Thursday: Sticky Chicky with rice pilaf and a Caesar salad.
Friday: Dinner out

In other news, M and I have started to take up golf. So far, we've just hit up the driving range a few times, but we soon hope to get out on the course for a real game. We both got our first sets of clubs in the last couple of weeks. Of course, I had to go with the pink Wilson set. It's awesome! ;) I suspect we'll go to the range a couple more times this week after work and then try for a 9 hole game next weekend. *FX*

That's all for now!

Talk to you again soon, my Blogosphere peeps!