Friday, January 4, 2008

Get it together in 2008

This year I am determined to get it together. As many of you know, I am a fan of Flylady. I've got the basic routines down but I don't have the whole system running all the time just yet. I know what I need to do so I just need to "get off my frannie" as Flyladay would say, and do it. This year's Flylady slogan is "Do it now! Don't wait! Things get done in 2008!" I am going to do my best to stick with it and have our home be even more of a sanctuary than it already is.

Part of this mission will be to figure out a system for our mail. We get so much junk and it just piles up. I try to recyle/shred it but it's hard to keep up with it all. Any ideas?

I really want to get my weekly routine back in full force so that the house will run itself and I can have more time to enjoy fun things and not feel like I'm spending all my free time cleaning and straightening.

I also want to get my work routine back in line. Though I get everything done, it's not the way I'd like it to be running.

I have been so distracted and a bit of a space shot these last few months that I can't stand it anymore.

I know I can do it, I just need to get moving. OK, enough talk, I am getting moving! =)

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