Monday, April 7, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

Hi everyone!

Well, it's Monday again and as usual the weekend went by too fast. Michael and I got to hang out a lot together since he didn't have to work on Saturday so that was good. His schedule is really getting tough for us and me especially. I miss him so much during the week when he's working these wacky shifts. Hopefully, this job will be finished up soon and we can get back to normal, as normal as packing and moving can be.

I was able to catch the UPS guy on Friday so I didn't end up with mushy boxes. My front hall is barely passable as I've put the boxes of boxes there for now. I really need to move them to the dining room so that they'll be out of the way. Besides that room has been packing central these past few days. I really want to get the dining room all packed up this week. That is the room that has the most things to pack up and of course the most fragile.

We got the insurance and mortgage papers and I remembered (thank goodness) to have Michael sign everything he needed to before he went to work this morning. Note to self: send those off this afternoon.

I'm listening to Flylady right now. I downloaded Mozilla and can use the Flylady toolbar that links to Blog Talk Radio so the shows will stream all day. I couldn't get it to work in IE without bogging down my PC. I hope she'll keep inspiring me to get through this move so that I can start Flying right away in the new house.

I really think I'll feel better once we are settled in the new house and Michael's schedule is back to normal. I've definitely been in a funk these last couple of weeks. These next few weeks are going to be relatively boring compared to all of the excitement of finding the house and all that went with it in March. Let's just hope that I can pack us up really quickly and that once we pass papers at the end of the month that the painting and the few projects we want to do before we move in happen quickly and we can enjoy ourselves in May. Fingers crossed that April flies by!


KarenMM said...

I already feel like April is flying by - so I'm not finger crossing for you ;)

Do you like FlyLady? I've heard loads of good things about her and her "system" but have not yet taken the plunge.

Ali said...

Hi Karen!

I love Flylady! Sometimes I'm not flying all that well, but with her system it's easy to get back on track. You should check out her internet radio show on It's really good! You can subscribe to it in Itunes too. Sometimes it just helps to hear her talk about what you need to do and how you can adapt the system to your life. I get the daily emails, but hearing her really helps.